Search Results | plumage

Your search for "plumage" returned 49 results

Flamingo Rumps Produce 'Rouge' to Primp Pink Plumage

Flamingos use a secretion from a gland near their rear end to touch up their feathers when they've been bleached by the sun.

If a Peacock Loses His Tail Feathers, Do They Grow Back?

Peacock feathers are possibly the most beautiful plumage in the animal kingdom. Learn if peacock feathers grow back after these birds molt.

10 Types of Owls: From Tiny Screech-owls to Great Horned Owls

Owls are captivating birds known for their nocturnal habits, distinctive hooting calls and remarkable ability to hunt in near silence. With about 200 species found worldwide, these birds of prey come in various sizes and colors. Here, we dig in to 10 types of owls.

Can You Identify This Bird From an Extreme Closeup of Its Feathers?

Every day when you go outside, you're likely to see at least one bird, but do you actually notice what they look like? Let's see how well you've been paying attention to the many birds living in our world. Do you think you can identify these birds, based on a closeup of their feathers?

Should you wear light-colored clothes in hot weather to stay cool?

Summertime fashion — light in weight and light in color. Are these pastel colors a designer's choice? Or do light colors actually keep you cooler, as some say? Read to find out if you should ditch the goth wardrobe this summer.

Bird Pictures

Did you know that it's the possession of feathers, not the ability to fly, that distinguishes birds from other animals? Check out these bird pictures.

Can You Identify These Bird Species If We Give Them Arms?

Most people recognize birds as beautiful creatures that fly in the sky. What if these avian dinosaurs had arms, though? Could you still pick one out of a crowd?

Finches Are Tiny Twitterers That Make Great Pets

Finches can live for five to 10 years and make great companion pets as long as they are given enough space to fly around.

How Many Little Brown Birds Can You Identify?

Many people don't know what the difference is between a sparrow and a junco. Take this quick quiz to see if you can tell these little brown birds apart!

Why You Should Love the Much-maligned Magpie

Magpies are much-maligned as harbingers of doom, thieves of shiny objects and songbird eggs, but they're smart, monogamous for life and actually hold funerals for one another.

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