Search Results | platform computing

Your search for "platform computing" returned 369 results

New MIT Headset Can 'Hear' Your Thoughts and Respond

MIT's AlterEgo allows people to control computers without ever uttering one word. HowStuffWorks looks at how this could change the way we communicate.

How Microsoft Surface Tabletop Works

Microsoft Surface tabletop allows multiple users to share and manipulate information on a tabletop computing interface. Learn how Microsoft Surface tabletop works.

10 Differences Between Macs and PCs

Mac or PC? It's a question almost everybody has an opinion about. Or, are you wondering what the difference is? We've broken down these computers to reveal their strengths and weaknesses.

How Virtual Reality Military Applications Work

Virtual reality military applications include battlefield simulations and military vehicle simulations. Learn about virtual reality military applications.

How Silverlight Works

Microsoft Silverlight is a platform for rich Internet application development similar to Adobe Flash. Learn more about Microsoft Silverlight

What Would Your Job Be in the FBI?

The FBI is often glamorized and cliched on TV and in movies, but the bureau is a serious intelligence-driven organization that protects both government and private-sector citizens. Whether you consider yourself more Muller than Scully, take this quiz and we'll guess what your job would be in the FBI!

5 Multitasking Apps

Multitasking apps can make our lives easier by increasing our productivity and organization skills. See our list of five multitaking apps to get started.

How Mac OS X Works

The Mac OS X was launched in 2001 with the Cheetah. Where did Mac OS X come from, and what technologies make it different from other operating systems?

Which Coding Language Should You Learn?

Depending on what it is you want to make or do, your choice might already be made up for you. Take our quiz and find out which coding language you should learn on your way to being a programming master!

What Is FaceTime?

"Let's FaceTime" has become a common phrase, but what is FaceTime, exactly? Read on to explore how to use the Apple video chat app and the benefits surrounding its technology.

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