Search Results | planetary habitability

Your search for "planetary habitability" returned 41 results

Terrestrial Planets Are the Rocky Planets of the Solar System

Terrestrial planets include the four closest to our sun, including Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. What else makes these celestial bodies terrestrial planets?

NASA Announces New Solar System Packed With Seven Planets

NASA announces a discovery of seven nearby Earth-sized planets. Learn more about the TRAPPIST-1 planets in this HowStuffWorks Now article.

Space Architects Will Help Us Live and Work Among the Stars

If our living space is to become outer space, we have a lot of challenges to address. And our first line of defense will be space architects.

Saturn's Rings Will Exist for Just a Blip in Time

Saturn's rings will completely disappear in the next 100 million years. Learn more about Saturn and its famous rings at HowStuffWorks.

How Terraforming Mars Will Work

The thought of terraforming Mars is one of those ideas so outrageous that it just might work! Learn how it will work!

What's more important, water on the moon or on Mars?

The existence of water on the moon and Mars is explained in this article. Learn about water on the moon and Mars.

Will Earth Last Forever?

Nothing lasts forever. Does that include our home planet, too?

Can someone own the moon?

Can someone own the moon? Learn all about real estate on the moon what it takes to get your own lunar property.

How the Toyota Prius Works

The Toyota Prius is one of the most popular hybrids available. Learn all about the Toyota Prius at HowStuffWorks.

How the Mars Rovers Work

Of course we want to go to Mars. Until we figure it out though, roving robots with names like Spirit, Opportunity, Sojourner and Curiosity are our best bet for digging up dirt on our nearest planetary neighbor. Want to go along for the ride?

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