Search Results | physicist

Your search for "physicist" returned 382 results

What Is a White Hole? Does the Cosmic Phenomenon Exist?

Black holes have long held the spotlight as celestial objects from which nothing, not even light, can escape. However, theoretical physicists propose a less understood but equally fascinating counterpart: the white hole.

How Atoms Work

Atoms are in your body, the chair you are sitting in, your desk and even in the air. Learn about the particles that make the universe possible.

How super are superconductors?

In physics, you can’t get something for nothing, but superconductors offer the hope of someday breaking even. Getting them to live up to their potential has given scientists more than a few headaches in the years since they were discovered. Let’s see how much you know about these wonders of electromagnetism.

What is quantum weirdness?

Quantum weirdness occurs when the normal laws and rules can't explain quantum physics. Learn about quantum weirdness in this article.

5 Female Scientists You Should Know

From a centenarian brain expert to a mistress of Voltaire, each of these female scientists has an incredible story. Do you want to meet them?

10 Reasons the Multiverse Is a Real Possibility

In 1957, Hugh Everett first wrote about the multiverse — different realms where every choice spawns a separate universe in which another version of ourselves does something different. It sounds crazy, but here are some reasons it might be true.

What is string theory?

String theory tries to bring relativity and quantum physics into one general theory of everything. Learn about string theory in this article.

Does the Higgs boson exist?

As of July 4, 2012, the Higgs boson (maybe) exists (or at least something very like it very probably does).

The Bohr Model: Quickly Replaced But Never Forgotten

Niels Bohr proposed the model of the atom that we still learn in school today, even though it's technically incorrect.

10 Cool Things You Didn't Know About Stephen Hawking

He was born exactly 300 years after Galileo died. He never won a Nobel Prize, although he was awarded a guest spot on “The Simpsons.” What else do you know (or not know) about this acclaimed physicist?

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