Search Results | philosophy of science

Your search for "philosophy of science" returned 229 results

How Rhodes Scholarships Work

Rhodes Scholarships pay for post-graduate work at the University of Oxford. Learn about Rhodes Scholarships in this article from HowStuffWorks.

Did the Beatles introduce yoga to the Western world?

The Beatles may have had a hand in introducing the Western world to yoga. Find out how much of an influence the Beatles had in introducing yoga to the West.

10 Things We Thought Were True Before the Scientific Method

Before the scientific method came along, science dabbled in some pretty far-out ideas in its youth. Remember miasmas? And spontaneous generation? And the four elements?

How Locard's Exchange Principle Works

Are you interested in finding out how Locard's exchange principle works? Read this article to find out how Locard's exchange principle works.

Is there a scientific formula for funny?

Is there a scientific formula for funny? Read about the science and secrets of humor at HowStuffWorks.

Can You Answer These Questions a Librarian Would Be Able to Answer?

Librarians have to know a lot about a lot. With advances in technology, librarians have to know how to use computer programs and fix simple computer issues. Not to mention they have to keep track of and organize books, papers, etc. Think you've got what it takes? Answer these questions that a librarian would know!

How Intelligent Design Works

The intelligent design movement claims that life as we know it could not have developed through random natural processes. Learn about intelligent design and the controversy it has generated.

What were the famous Blaise Pascal inventions?

What were you doing at age 16? Blaise Pascal, a precocious 17th century French teenager, had already come up with his very own theorem. Some of Pascal's ideas even made it to the casino floor. How did this polymath affect your world?

How Sparta Turned Its Men Into Super-Soldiers – and Dancers

Movies like '300' have popularized the image of ancient Spartans as super-warriors. But that's only part of the story

Nasir al-Din Al-Tusi

Al-Tusi, Nasir al-Din (1201-1274) was one of the greatest scholars of his time and one of the most influential figures in Islamic intellectual history.

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