Search Results | pew research center

Your search for "pew research center" returned 105 results

Are millennials really the first generation to do worse than their parents?

What do the current economic downturns mean for 20-somethings long-term? Will millennials really be the first generation to do worse than their parents?

Why do people close their eyes to pray?

Why do so many people close their eyes to pray? Explore the history behind this prayer ritual.

Will This Election Season Become Known as 'The Great Unfriending'?

Are more people being unfriended because of political views? Learn more about politics and unfriending in this HowStuffWorks Now article.

Why Do Americans Vote on a Tuesday in November?

Voting on a Tuesday in November has been a U.S. tradition since the 1840s, but it's not a convenient date for many. What are states doing about it?

Can the Government See Which Websites I Visit?

HowStuffWorks looks at the extent to which the U.S. government conducts surveillance on its citizens and the role of Edward Snowden.

Hispanic or Latino? It’s Complicated

HowStuffWorks explores the differences between terms like Hispanic, Latino, Chicano and Mexican-American.

10 Common Questions About Islam, Answered

How much do you know about the Muslim religion? HowStuffWorks asks and answers 10 questions about Islam.

Which is more expensive: Day care or stay-at-home parenting?

Between day care and stay-at-home parenting, there are many options to raising your kids. Learn the cost difference at HowStuffWorks.

Is There Science to Back Up the Stereotypes About Only Children?

Is there any truth to stereotypes about only children? Learn more about only children personalities in this HowStuffWorks Now article.

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