Search Results | permian

Your search for "permian" returned 18 results

What If Dinosaurs Were Alive Today?

Before leaving work, you'll need to check the traffic report. Lately, a disruptive T. rex has meant some adjustments to your commute. What other changes would be in store if dinos roamed the Earth?

What will the Earth look like in 50,000 years?

The Earth in 50,000 years will most likely be a very different place. Learn about the Earth in 50,000 years in this article.

Dinosaur Evolution

Dinosaur evolution looks at how dinosaurs developed and changed over the course of time. Learn about the evolution of dinosaurs and dinosaur evolution.

How Moss Works

Money may not grow on trees. But moss does. How does this plant manage to carpet hard surfaces like rocks and sidewalks?

What’s Your Texas IQ?

Everyone knows you don't mess with Texas ... but do you know where this saying came from? Acing this quiz will prove you have what it takes to fit right in with the cowboys and cowgirls in this southern state; just don't forget your spurs!

10 Plants Lost to History

Are trees and shrubs as cute as pandas? As awe-inspiring as whales? Maybe not, but many are in danger of going the way of the dodo — just like countless leafy greens before them. Learn about some amazing plants we lost to history.

10 Worst Ways History Has Repeated Itself

As they say, if we don't learn from history, we're doomed to repeat it. And as these 10 historical events prove, humans seem to be more prone to repeating than learning.

How Gas Prices Work

Gas prices are on the mind of just about anyone that owns a car. Learn about gas prices, how gas prices are determined and what factors affect gas prices.

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