Search Results | paris

Your search for "paris" returned 958 results

London, Paris and Beyond: The European Capitals Quiz

Yeah, yeah, everyone knows that Emily just loves Paris. But what about some of the other 40-plus capital cities in Europe?

The Bikini Makes Its Debut in Paris

When the bikini made its debut at a poolside fashion show in Paris, it scandalized even the models. Find out how the bikini went from shocking fashion no-no to pop culture must-have.

When Was the Eiffel Tower Built? Eiffel Tower History and Future

At 984 feet tall, Paris' landmark Eiffel Tower is no picnic to maintain, so how is it done and who is responsible for keeping it standing and painted?

What City Really Matches Your Personality?

Should you live in Portland? Paris? Tucson? Boston? Take this quiz to find out which city's environment, culture and values are a perfect match for your personality!

Charles Lindbergh's Transatlantic Flight

Charles Lindbergh made the first transatlantic flight, from New York to Paris. Learn more about Charles Lindbergh's flight and his plane, the Spirit of St. Louis.

How a Parisian Lemonade Craze Fought the Plague

A lemonade fad in 17th century Paris may have stopped the plague from spreading and the death toll from rising. HowStuffWorks looks at the connection.

The French Resistance Took Many Forms During WWII

After the fall of Paris in 1940, French Gen. Charles de Gaulle called for resistance to the Nazis. From military sabotage to civilian clandestine activities, the French answered and resisted mightily.

What International City Should You Go to College In?

Whether you want to sip on kopi peng while studying in Singapore or peruse through a textbook in a Paris cafe, our international quiz will match your intelligent personality to a fantastic foreign city!

Only a True Art Lover Will Know Which Cities These Famous Paintings Can Be Found In

Art gets around, but do you know where the most famous pieces are held on display? Come show us that you could hang with Picasso with this art quiz.

9 of the Weirdest Lost-and-found Items in the World

From diamond rings to prosthetic legs, people lose and find the strangest things. HowStuffWorks looks at 9 super interesting lost-and-found items.

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