Search Results | overture

Your search for "overture" returned 15 results

Match the Classical Music Piece to the Composer

Beethoven's Symphony No. 5? Mahler's No. 8? Don't worry, you won't need a calculator to take this quiz, just a love of classical music and a working knowledge of its history. Ready? Let's go!

Totally Insaney: The Animaniacs Quiz

"Animaniacs" took animated TV to the max, pushing the boundaries between kid-friendly and adults-only while still managing to get past the censors. Take our quiz to see how much you remember about the zany adventures of the Warners and their friends!

Did William Tell really shoot an apple off his son’s head?

Is the myth about William Tell shooting an apple of his son's head true? Learn about William Tell and if he shot an apple of his son's head.

What Type of Person Are You Most Likely Going to Date?

Whether you believe it or not, everyone has a type. It may be something purely physical, like a mop of curly hair, or it may be a personality trait, like a killer sense of humor, that instantly attracts you. Take this quiz to find out who you subconsciously want to date!

Can you match the TV show to its '80s theme song?

We all know some theme songs so well we start to sing them as soon as we hear the opening lyrics. (And sometimes, the song turns out to be more memorable than the show.) See if you can guess which theme song and which TV series go together.

How Much Do You Know About the Spanish Conquest of the Americas?

Whether you call it colonization or conquest, the Spanish definitely set out to make the Americas their own -- and that's exactly what they did. How much do you know about the Spanish takeover of the Americas?

Can You Pass This Mexican History Quiz?

Mexico is a colorful nation with a complicated and violent history. The region has seen the rise and fall of empires and political dynasties spanning centuries. What do you really know about Mexican history?

5 Things Everyone Gets Wrong About Cleopatra

Today, Cleopatra is widely known for her beauty and her seductive ways, but scholars say we've been hoodwinked by propaganda written by her enemies.

How Do Fireworks Explode in Specific Shapes?

Nothing quite thrills like seeing fireworks light up the night sky. A lot of design and planning goes into creating the awe-inspiring shapes we've come to love.

Top 5 Crazy Government Experiments

The occasional oddball research premise slips past the people who review government grant applications. What are some of the craziest instances of your tax dollars at work?

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