Search Results | optics

Your search for "optics" returned 476 results

Why Does the Moon Look So Much Bigger When It Is Near the Horizon?

Why does the moon look so much bigger when it is near the horizon than when it is high up in the sky?

How FiOS Works

FiOS is a fiber optic service offered by Verizon to United States homes. Learn how FiOS works in this article from HowStuffWorks.

High-tech Glasses Adjust Focus Depending on Where You Look

The proposed Deep Optics omnifocals are high-tech glasses that can change focus depending on view. Learn more in this HowStuffWorks Now article.

How Eye Puzzles Work

Eye puzzles are optical illusions that, when viewed properly, can reveal hidden images. Learn how eye puzzles work at HowStuffWorks.

How Fiber-to-the-home Broadband Works

Fiber-to-the-home broadband connections promise the next generation in connectivity to consumers. Learn more about ftth broadband connections at HowStuffWorks.

How Computer Mice Work

The mouse might just be the computer user's best friend. Every day of your computing life, you reach out for your mouse whenever you want to move your cursor or activate something. Learn how this human-machine interface translates your movements into digital data.

How Light Peak Works

Light Peak is a new standard for how computers communicate with peripherals. Learn about Light Peak technology and Light Peak speeds.

10 Types of Microphones

Microphones have been around in some form for more than 150 years. Modern mics incorporate fiber optics, microchips, and even lasers to suit a variety of audio needs.

How Laser Communication Works

When speed is everything and light marks the universe's speed limit, lasers are bound to be the answer. At least, that's what NASA and a bunch of Wall Street types are betting on.

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