Search Results | operation arc light

Your search for "operation arc light" returned 36 results

Famous Black Engineers Throughout History

These African American men and women were trailblazers, and in some cases, business leaders in the field of engineering.

Extremophiles: How Do These Organisms Push the Limits of Life?

Extremophiles are organisms that live in "extreme" environments. Learn why extremophiles are remarkable, not only because of their habitats.

How the Ariel Atom Works

In chemistry, the atom is the most fundamental building block of matter. Now the automotive world has its atom -- a car so pure and simple that some people are calling it minimalist art.

How the Large Hadron Collider Works

To understand the universe better, scientists from all over the world are going to harness the power of an enormous machine -- the Large Hadron Collider.

How NASA Works

When most people think of NASA, they probably think of astronauts and the Kennedy Space Center. But there's a whole lot more to this 60-year-old organization.

10 Reasons Why Tesla Is a Scientific God

He had patents and pigeons galore. His role in history books could be more. So come ye science fans, and read up on your Tesla facts, myths and lore.

How Helicopters Work

Believe it or not, the marvel we know as the helicopter began as a Chinese top consisting of a shaft — a stick — adorned with feathers on one end.

How to Paint a Room

Painting can be a task that takes a couple of hours, a half day, or more. Whatever the size of your painting job, the techniques remain the same. Learn how to paint a room.

How Avalanches Work

Learn how avalanches form, how long you can stay alive while buried under an avalanche and what steps you can take to survive.

How Sci-fi Doesn't Work

Learn how sci-fi doesn't work in some popular movies and TV shows.

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