Search Results | on the origin of species

Your search for "on the origin of species" returned 666 results

How Charles Darwin Worked

How did Charles Darwin develop the idea of natural selection? And how did Charles Darwin and "The Origin of Species" change our thinking and our world?

10 Physical Human Traits That Evolution Has Made Obsolete

In Charles Darwin’s book On the Origin of Species, he referred to a number of “vestiges” in human anatomy that he posited are remnants left over from the course of our species’ development over time. Darwin suggested that these vestigial organs are evidence of evolution and represent functions that were once necessary for our survival, but […] The post 10 Physical Human Traits That Evolution Has Made Obsolete appeared first on Goliath.

How Intelligent Design Works

The intelligent design movement claims that life as we know it could not have developed through random natural processes. Learn about intelligent design and the controversy it has generated.

Where did SARS come from?

Where did SARS come from? Visit HowStuffWorks to learn more about the origins of SARS from this article.

Could You Pass Psychology 101?

Psychology is the study of our minds and emotions. As humans, we're rather complex beings, and psychology makes some sense of it all. Let's see if you can make some sense of this quiz!

Creeping Buttercup

Creeping buttercup, replete with yellow flowers and occasionally spotted leaves, originated in Europe. Some of the buttercup species are aquatic, but in general they look best in more informal gardens. Learn to grow creeping buttercup.

How Well Do You Know European History?

Before the New World, there was the Old World -- the world of kings and queens and wars and plagues. For centuries, Europe has been at the center of humankind's cultural progress (and sometimes regression). What do you know about European history?

What's the Malthusian premise?

The Malthusian premise centers on the issue of whether or not there will be enough food to sustain human life. Learn about the Malthusian premise.

How Creationism Works

The public debate between Christian creationism and evolution has heated up once again in the United States. Learn about the different forms of Christian creationism and find out what's fueling the controversy.

98% of adults can't pass this elementary school science quiz! Can you?

From the periodic table to inventors and their inventions, how well do you remember your science class lessons? Do you think you could pass general science? Let's find out with this quiz!

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