Search Results | oak ridge national laboratory

Your search for "oak ridge national laboratory" returned 30 results

We're Getting Closer to the Quantum Internet, But What Is It?

The quantum internet would use the quirky behavior of tiny particles to enable applications not possible with today's internet.

How Gene Patents Work

Gene patents allow companies and researchers to lay claim to sequences of genetic code. Learn more in How Gene Patents Work.

10 Top Biofuel Crops

Could 'energy crops' really be the end to our addiction to fossil fuels? Read about the 10 top biofuel crops at HowStuffWorks.

How do oil and air filters affect your engine?

How do oil and air filters affect your engine? Learn more about oil and air filers and how they affect your engine in this article.

How Moore's Law Works

Moore's Law says computer processors double in complexity every two years. What does that mean? Learn more about Gordon Moore and Moore's Law.

How Exterior Insulation and Finish Systems Work

Exterior insulation and finishing systems, or eifs, are common throughout the United States. Learn about eifs or exterior insulation and fishing systems.

What's more energy efficient for warmer climates: shingles or a metal roof?

When it comes to roofing, materials matter -- especially in a hot climate. So when it comes down to asphalt shingles or a metal roof, which really is better?

How Hydropower Plants Work

Hydropower plants produce about 24 percent of the world's electricity and supply more than 1 billion people with power. Find out how hydropower plants work.

Top 10 Supercomputers

If you're not up on the latest supercomputer news, you're in luck. See this list of the top 10 supercomputers to learn about the major players in computing.

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