Search Results | nobel prize

Your search for "nobel prize" returned 243 results

The Bohr Model: Quickly Replaced But Never Forgotten

Niels Bohr proposed the model of the atom that we still learn in school today, even though it's technically incorrect.

The Mother's Day Quiz

Don't be afraid to test your knowledge with this Mother's Day quiz. No matter how bad you do, mom will still love you!

What will medicine consider unethical in 100 years?

In 100 years, what will we consider to be unethical medicine? Will we think some of our current practices as unethical medicine in the future? Find out.

Fearless Females: Our Women's History Quiz

These pioneering women bring new meaning to the phrase, "girl power!" Test your IQ of some of the baddest women in history with our quiz.

5 Female Scientists You Should Know

From a centenarian brain expert to a mistress of Voltaire, each of these female scientists has an incredible story. Do you want to meet them?

Influential People of Science Quiz

These are the people who changed the world's view of the universe and everything around us. How much do you know about them? Here's your chance to find out!

Does spicy food really cause ulcers?

Does spicy food really cause ulcers? Read up on this health myth and find out if science backs up the saying that ulcers are caused by eating spicy food.

Paul Berg

Berg, Paul (1926-), an American biochemist and molecular biologist, has been at the forefront of genetic engineering, both as an inventor of a pioneering procedure and as an advocate concerned about the risks of genetic research.

How Ecofeminism Works

Ecofeminism is a social movement that combines elements of feminism with ecology. Learn about ecofeminism and famous ecofeminists.

10 Things You Didn't Know About Einstein

The man who had some theories about relativity was also an eccentric who gleefully eschewed socks, dodged German military service and spurned social conventions.

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