Search Results | mythbusters

Your search for "mythbusters" returned 55 results

Why do pineapple enzymes tenderize steak -- and your tongue?

Pineapple enzymes can help cooks tenderize steak by breaking down collagen. Find out why pineapple enzymes possess this culinary power?

How Long Does It Take to Form a Habit? The 'Three-Week' Rule

Three weeks of hard work. Is that all it takes to kick your smoking habit, taste for junk food or serial inability to stop hitting the snooze button? Sounds almost too good to be true, doesn't it?

Are dogs a shark's favorite meal?

Sharks' favorite meal isn't human, despite our fears -- but some fishermen claim it's dog. Read about whether your dog is safe at sea.

How can you make water invisible?

Magicians say invisible water exists, and they often prove it by floating a small boat on thin air. Learn the magic behind the invisible water trick.

10 False History 'Facts' Everyone Knows

Lots of great stories from history we learned in school are just plain wrong. Here are 10 false history facts from HowStuffWorks.

How to Dispose of Lava Lamps

Learn the eco-groovy way to dispose of these novelty lamps. Learn more about disposing of lava lamps.

We're Losing the Chemical War on Cockroaches

A study found that cockroaches are developing cross-resistance to multiple classes of insecticides. HowStuffWorks explains why that's bad news.

Did Settlers Really Land at Plymouth Rock Because They Were Out of Beer?

Did settlers really land at Plymouth Rock because they were out of beer? Find out whether that is truth or myth at HowStuffWorks.

How SOPA Works

What is the Stop Online Piracy Act and what would it achieve? Take a look as we explain what you need to know about SOPA.

Did Lucille Ball Use Her Fillings to Spy?

Lucille Ball claimed to have picked up music and Morse code with her fillings. But did she really work as a WWII spy?

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