Search Results | mutation

Your search for "mutation" returned 247 results

Why do some people get flushed when they drink?

It can be embarrassing, but it also may be a survival skill. Why do some people get flushed when they drink? Learn more at HowStuffWorks.

Could you hold your own in an evolution debate?

When it comes to the theory of evolution, many people struggle to separate myth from fact. How much do you know about the history of evolutionary theory and what evolution actually means?

Should antibacterial soap be outlawed?

Should antibacterial soap be outlawed? Read why antibacterial and antimicrobial products may threaten public health and affect your immune system.

How Albinism Works

About one in 20,000 people in the U.S. has some type of albinism, and more are afflicted outside of the country. So what is it and how does it happen?

Male Breast Cancer Is Rare, But Real

HowStuffWorks finds out why men get breast cancer, what the symptoms are and how it is treated.

What Is the Atacama Skeleton, and Why Is It So Controversial?

The Atacama skeleton has sparked intense controversy and, based on its appearance, speculation of alien origin since its discovery in 2003. But what is the real story behind this little skeleton?

How the Shar-Pei Got Its Wrinkles

The Shar-Pei is one of the most unusual-looking dogs around and has a fascinating history. HowStuffWorks checks out this wrinkly canine.

Can TV viewing cause autism?

A group of researchers out of Cornell and Purdue has suggested a possible cause for autism: television. Learn more about what they found.

Delta Variant and Unvaccinated Are Threats to Eliminating COVID-19

The wildly contagious delta coronavirus variant now accounts for more than 80 percent of cases in the United States. Does it pose a threat to eliminating COVID-19 across the globe?

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