Search Results | musée d'orsay

Your search for "musée d'orsay" returned 26 results

Paintings by Henri Fantin-Latour

Henri Fantin-Latour was inspired by Impressionim's innovative style and honored famous artists in his paintings. See Impressionist portraits here.

Você consegue identificar essas famosas obras de arte?

Da Vinci, Van Gogh e Michelangelo estão entre os artistas mais célebres de todos os tempos, mas você consegue citar suas criações mais famosas? Faça nosso quiz para descobrir!

Can You Identify the Most Famous French Paintings in History?

If you know anything about art, you know that some of the world's most famous paintings were created by French artists. But can you tell the difference between a Renoir and a Degas? Test your art history knowledge — take this stunning quiz!

Claude Monet Paintings 1879-1886

The Claude Monet paintings of 1879-1886 depict the artist as the epic poet of nature. See Claude Monet's famous Impressionist paintings.

¿Puedes nombrar todas las 40 famosas pinturas impresionistas de este cuestionario?

El movimiento impresionista cambió el arte occidental para siempre. Lo creas o no, cuando estas pinturas fueron realizadas, los críticos las odiaban porque representaban a gente y lugares común y corrientes. ¿Eres un verdadero admirador de las bellas artes? ¡Compruébalo nombrando estas obras de arte del Impresionismo!

Claude Monet Paintings 1889-1894

Claude Monet's paintings from 1889 to 1894 display an attention to the landscape. See the Impressionist paintings of Claude Monet, 1889-1894.

Seule 1 personne sur 35 reconnait ces œuvres d’art. Et vous?

De Vinci, Van Gogh et Michel Ange font partie des artistes les plus connus au monde. Mais, pouvez-vous nommer leurs œuvres les plus célèbres ? Essayez notre quiz pour le découvrir !

Pouvez-vous identifier les peintures françaises les plus célèbres de l’Histoire?

Si vous connaissez l’art, vous savez que certaines des peintures les plus célèbres au monde ont été créées par des artistes français. Mais, savez-vous faire la différence entre un Renoir et un Degas? Testez vos connaissances en histoire de l’art — répondez à ce superbe questionnaire!

Paintings by Edouard Manet

Edouard Manet was a critical figure in the rise of the Impressionist movement. Learn about the life and paintings of the Impressionist Edouard Manet.

Vincent van Gogh Final Paintings

Vincent van Gogh completed nearly 80 paintings in two months in Auvers-sur-Oise before committing suicide. Learn about the works of Vincent van Gogh.

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