Search Results | morse

Your search for "morse" returned 97 results

What Is Morse Code? How It Works and Still Lives On

The heyday for Morse code is primarily over, but this communication method using dots and dashes still has its place in our digital world.

Get Cracking: The Secret Codes & Ciphers Quiz

There are all sorts of reasons humans resort to secrecy, from launching military operations to hiding buried treasure. But ciphers are also good fun—even when they cause massive exasperation. How much do you know about these real secret codes?

What Does SOS Mean?

SOS was the most commonly used distress signal from the turn of the 20th century until before WWII. But exactly what does SOS mean?

Who Invented the Telegraph?

The telegraph was a groundbreaking invention that transformed communication in the 19th century. Explore its impact on news media and global connectivity.

The Tiny Blue-ringed Octopus Is the Ocean's Deadliest

Looks can be deceiving. That's definitely true for the blue-ringed octopus. It's tiny, stunningly beautiful and looks harmless. Yet its venom could kill 26 men in minutes.

Did Lucille Ball Use Her Fillings to Spy?

Lucille Ball claimed to have picked up music and Morse code with her fillings. But did she really work as a WWII spy?

Is Sapiosexuality a Real Thing?

Does sapiosexuality really exist? HowStuffWorks raises an eyebrow and takes a look.

There's More Than One Way to Be Monogamous

We all think we know what it means, but is it possible that monogamy is a bit more complicated than we think it is?

10 Antique Toys That Still Look Like Fun

Call them outdated or laud them for being 'vintage' but some toys just never go out of style. Learn about some fierce antique toys at HowStuffWorks.

Who Made It? The Inventions Quiz

Many people take modern conveniences like TV and toilets for granted, but have you ever wondered about the people who came up with these important inventions? Take our quiz to test your knowledge!

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