Search Results | mississippi in the american civil war

Your search for "mississippi in the american civil war" returned 102 results

Why did brothers fight on opposite sides of the Civil War?

Brother against brother was a motif of the Civil War as families were divided -- even Sen. John J. Crittenden's. Read about brother against brother in the war.

Ridiculous History: The Civil War's Worst Cup of Coffee

You know how you look forward to your morning cup of joe? Union soldiers did, too. Except theirs was made from Essence of Coffee and tasted terrible.

5 Events in Hispanic History You Never Learned in School

Hispanics have contributed to American history since Spanish explorer Christopher Columbus stepped foot in the New World. Here are five events to know.

Can You Guess the Southern City From a Visual Clue?

The American South is rich in history and full of cities ... maybe more so than you realize. We have 40 pictures and a little background info for each; can you identify the cities in question? Scroll down and find out!

Memorial Day in the U.S. Means Way More Than Barbecue

Today Americans mostly celebrate it as the start of summer. But the annual May holiday has a significant history that's worthy of acknowledgment.

Old Railroads

The age of old railroads saw the birth of the first railroad lines and mass transportation on rail. Read more about old railroads in America.

Slavery Under Another Name: What Were the Black Codes?

The Emancipation Proclamation may have signified the formal end of slavery. But the newly enacted Black Codes effectively re-enslaved thousands of Black people.

How Jim Crow Shaped America

Jim Crow was about much more than laws enacted to suppress blacks. It was about a system involving politics, economics, social and cultural practices.

'Hidden Figures' Who Stood With Martin Luther King Jr.

Coretta Scott King and numerous other women who stood with Martin Luther King Jr. were committed activists in their own right during the Civil Rights Movement.

Can You Pass This Naval Battles Quiz?

On land, the perils of war are already high, but when the battles take to the sea, the risks increase substantially as nature becomes a much more domineering force. Take this quiz and see how much you know about these deadly naval battles.

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