Search Results | military service

Your search for "military service" returned 805 results

How the U.S. Customs Service Works

A fascinating article that tells you everything you need to know about U.S. customs laws, how they affect your travels and what you may bring back into the United States!

Which Military School is This?

Throughout the United States, and the globe, there are some pretty amazing military schools. In this quiz, we'll test your knowledge of America's finest, as well as some schools abroad. These are the campuses where greatness is cultivated. Ready for a little military school trivia?

How to Become a Volunteer Military Officer

Ever wonder how to become a volunteer military officer. Visit HowStuffWorks to learn how to become a volunteer military officer.

Quiz aviation militaire

L'aviation militaire a évolué avec les âges. Ce sont des machines sur-puissantes qui ont prouvé leur efficacité à bien des reprises. Aérodynamiques, d'apparence élégante, rapide et agile, ces merveilles sont des bijoux technologiques qui ravissent le complexe militaro-industriel! Vous pensez en savoir assez sur l'aviation militaire? La réponse avec notre quiz!

U.S. Military Dogs Usually Outrank Their Handlers

Members of the U.S. armed forces and their loyal dogs have always had a special relationship – so special that the canine usually outranks its handler. What's behind this military tradition?

Am I Ready for the Military?

The decision to serve in the military, even the reserves, is a big choice that will impact the rest of your life. Answering the questions in this quiz will help you determine if you are ready for the commitment it takes to become part of the armed forces.

How Military Video Conferencing Works

With video conferencing technology, soldiers can maintain contact with their families back home. Learn how the military uses video conferencing.

The Ultimate WWII Military Equipment Quiz

World War II ushered in some of the modern era’s most important advances in military equipment design. Do you know enough about the weapons, gear and vehicles used in WWII to identify them from an image? March on into the quiz and find out!

What % Military Material Are You?

Do you think you have what it takes to join the elite ranks of the world's best fighting forces? Once you pass our personality exam, we'll let you know if you are 100% ready for the job, or if you still have some work to do!

Are You Fit for the Military?

Do you have what it takes to march shoulder-to-shoulder with a platoon? When you aim as high as the Air Force in this quiz, you'll find out if you have what it takes to serve your country. Will you even make it through boot camp?

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