Search Results | mechanics

Your search for "mechanics" returned 2,820 results

What is string theory?

String theory tries to bring relativity and quantum physics into one general theory of everything. Learn about string theory in this article.

Could You Dig a Tunnel Right Through the Center of Earth?

Let's say you have a lunch date to make – and it's on the other side of the planet. Wouldn't it be convenient to pop down a hole through Earth's innards? But what would really happen if you did?

Car Engine Trivia Quiz

Vroom, vroom! Without thousands of parts working in unison, a car's engine is worthless. But just how much do you know about these mechanical marvels? It's time to show up your local mechanic with this car engine trivia quiz!

The Water Frame: Revolutionizing Textiles in the Industrial Age

The water frame was a revolutionary textile machine that mechanized spinning, transforming the cotton industry and driving industrialization.

What Is an Internal Combustion Engine?

Explore the mechanics and inner workings of the internal combustion engine, an innovation of the Industrial Revolution that transformed transportation.

Why is there air in my brake lines?

A mechanic said there was air in my brake lines. Is this possible? Why is there air in my brake lines?

How Street Sweepers Work

Street sweepers have been around for more than a century keeping our roads clean. Learn the history of street sweepers and what they're like today.

How Locks Work

This set of articles includes explanations of lockpicking and safecracking, as well as the mechanical workings of many of the most common types of locks.

How does a self-winding watch work?

Curious about how a self-winding watch works? Take a look at the mechanics inside a self-winding watch.

How do they start jet engines on airplanes?

How do you start a gas turbine engine? What is the mechanism to begin the rotation of the large fan blades?

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