Search Results | meat packing industry

Your search for "meat packing industry" returned 62 results

Coconut Man: August Engelhardt Founded a Cult Based on His Favorite Fruit

HowStuffWorks tells the tragic story of August Engelhardt who was nuts for coconuts. He founded a cult based on the fruit and worshipping the sun.

How Do Dollar Stores Make Money?

In good times and bad, dollar stores seem to thrive. But how are they are able to make so much money selling things so cheaply?

How Human Migration Works

Human migration is the idea that humans developed in Africa and then spread to Europe and Asia. Learn about human migration and how human migration works.

How Restaurant Health Inspections Work

When your favorite restaurant gets a C rating, does that mean you should never eat there again? HowStuffWorks finds out.

How Business Plans Work

A business plan is essential when starting your own business. Without it, you may find that you have not covered all of your bases. Learn about business plans.

How Food Recalls Work

Food recalls occur when products fail to do what they're supposed to do or because they pose a hazard. Learn more about food recalls at HowStuffWorks.

10 Foods You Should Never Eat Raw

There are some foods that need to be cooked before you eat them. Not just because they'll taste way better, but also because if you eat them raw, they could make you sick.

How Quinoa Works

Quinoa is a nutritional superstar that's a common substitute for rice. Why is quinoa so hot? Learn all about quinoa at HowStuffWorks.

5 Green Methods to Survive the Apocalypse

The green movement isn't going to die just because the world ends. In fact, sustainable types might even have a leg up post-apocalypse. Here's how.

Olive Oil Nutrition Facts

These olive oil nutrition facts help you understand why olive oil is one of the healthiest item to add to your menu. See olive oil nutrition facts.

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