Search Results | mathematical economics

Your search for "mathematical economics" returned 53 results

Why are humans altruistic?

Why are humans altruistic? Even when it might hurt us? See concepts and ideas on why humans are altruistic at Discovery Health.

15 Famous Rhodes Scholars

Each year about 103 students earn a Rhodes scholarship to study at the University of Oxford. Learn about some of the most famous Rhodes scholars, including Bill Clinton, transportation secretary Pete Buttigieg and journalist Ronan Farrow.

5 Futurist Predictions in the World of Science

What futurist predictions have been made about the world of science? Learn about five futurist predictions about the world of science.

How Online Gambling Works

Online gambling has grown in popularity since the first site opened 10 years ago. Find out how online gambling works and what online gambling games are available.

How the Mayan Calendar Works

The Mayan calendar was one of the first attempts by people to keep some sort of historical record. Learn more about how the Mayan calendar works.

How Greek Traditions Work

Many Greek traditions first began hundreds or thousands of years ago. Read about Greek traditions at HowStuffWorks.

How Maps Work

A map is a type of language, a graphic way of representing information, whether it's to show population density or tell you how to get from Point A to Point B. Here's how they're made.

How Horoscopes Work

Astrology holds that the relative positions of stars and planets have influence over the lives of human beings. Believers call it a science, while non-believers call it nonsense. Learn the basics of astrology.

How the Enlightenment Worked

The Enlightenment was a period of major intellectual change. Read about the Age of Enlightenment and the Enlightenment thinkers' impact on history.

How MRI Works

An MRI scan is the best way to see inside the human body. See what happens during an MRI scan and learn about MRI images and MRI safety.

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