Search Results | mary shelley

Your search for "mary shelley" returned 53 results

How well do you know these famous firsts in modern history?

You never forget your first ... or do you? Everyone remembers Neil Armstrong, the first man on the moon, but do you remember the name of the first human in space? Test your knowledge of 'firsts' in modern history with our quiz!

Can You Match the Famous Piece of Literature to Its Author?

As Ernest Hemingway says, "There is no friend as loyal as a book." Sure, your human friends are all right, but have they ever transported you through space and time to a faraway land? I think not. So, let's see how much you truly know about your loyal book friends with the following quiz!

Robots and Time Travel: Science Fiction Books Quiz

Do you love reading sci-fi? Take this quiz to see if your science fiction book knowledge is out of this world.

What's Your British History IQ?

Kids who study British history are required to learn over 1,000 years of history throughout school, which is a lot to remember - and a lot to forget. Let's find out whether you remember any of it!

Guess who's coming to dinner?: The Famous Parents Quiz

When we at HowStuffWorks think "famous parents," our minds don't immediately jump to tabloid baby bumps and celebrity adoptions. Instead, we're more interested in how motherhood and fatherhood intersected with the careers of the most influential names in science, politics and the arts -- as well as some classic Hollywood icons.

Test Your Knowledge: Horror Movie Villain Quiz

The scariest films feature human neurosis brought to life through terrifying characters. How much do you know about these horror movie villains?

Can You Guess the Book Title From an Anagram of the Letters?

Deciphering an anagram is similar to the feeling that you get when you're reading code. You get that excited, top-secret rush, like from a Dan Brown novel. Can you figure out these book title anagrams? We promise that "1984" does not make the list.

Terrifying Tales: Famous Ghost Stories Quiz

A good ghost story transcends time, and the most beloved tales in this genre are just as likely to send a shiver down your spine as any modern ghost story. Take our quiz to see how much you know about the spookiest stories ever told!

Tell Us If You've Read These Books and We'll Guess Your High School GPA

Were you an avid reader or more the skim the preface type? Did you have your eye on a scholarship or did the thought of cracking a book send you screaming? Whether you got straight A's or just scraped by, see if we can nail your GPA with this not just for nerds book quiz!

Can You Guess This Famous Book by Its Ending?

There is nothing like a good novel, is there? But would you be able to identify a popular book from just the last few lines that end it? It's not as easy as you think!

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