Search Results | marxism

Your search for "marxism" returned 15 results

What Does 'Bread and Circuses' Mean?

The 'bread and circuses' concept of being pacified by food and entertainment — and forgoing civic duty — goes back to Roman times.

How Communism Works

Communism is a type of government that relies on collectivization of labor and good to equal out the classes. Learn about the workings of communism.

Meet Florence Kelley: Labor Reformer, Abolitionist and Co-founder of the NAACP

Grateful that U.S. law ensures decent working conditions and children go to school instead of working in mines? Thank Florence Kelley and her father.

Chairman Mao Zedong Used Death and Destruction to Create a New China

Chairman Mao is one of history's worst despots, having murdered millions of Chinese during his communist reign. So why is he still revered by many?

What's the Difference Between Socialism and Communism?

They're often mentioned in the same breath, but not every socialist is a communist and not every communist or socialist country operates in the same way.

Why Karl Marx Was One of the Most Influential and Destructive Thinkers In History

He co-authored The Communist Manifesto, which was the basis for a new political movement. But to say he is only the Father of Communism sells Karl Marx short.

Can You Guess These Classic Childhood Books From A Single Sentence?

Who could forget trying to recreate "Green Eggs and Ham" in their family's kitchen, or secretly hoping that their closet led to another world, like Narnia? Take this quiz to see how well you remember your favorite childhood stories!

Why Did Hitler Write 'Mein Kampf'?

In 1925, Adolf Hitler published the first volume of a semi-autobiographical book that laid out his racist policies. But should anyone read it?

The Inconvenient Truth Behind Revolutionary Icon Che Guevara

Revolutionary Che Guevara has become the personification of those who want to defy the establishment. But his true story is also one of a ruthless killer.

Can You Match the Famous Piece of Literature to Its Author?

As Ernest Hemingway says, "There is no friend as loyal as a book." Sure, your human friends are all right, but have they ever transported you through space and time to a faraway land? I think not. So, let's see how much you truly know about your loyal book friends with the following quiz!

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