Search Results | madonna art

Your search for "madonna art" returned 56 results

Can You Guess How Much These Famous Paintings Sold For?

Were you an art history major, a frequent museum visitor or a lover of famous paintings? Maybe you have a crazy ability to appraise art! Do you think you can guess how much these famous paintings sold for? Find out with this quiz!

Was It Footloose or Dirty Dancing?

Perhaps the two most famous dance movies in history post-1970s, "Footloose" and "Dirty Dancing" are iconic and unforgettable. But sometimes people actually get them mixed up! In this quiz, we're going to set the record straight and test your knowledge of the​ differences between "Footloose" and "Dirty Dancing"!

99% of people can't figure out the most expensive artwork in the world. Can you?

Expensive artwork can reach into the hundreds of millions of dollars. Paintings by Picasso and Van Gogh are regularly sold in the millions. But which artwork has sold for the most? Here are 50 famous pieces with the highest sales. Grab your brush and try to figure out which of these paintings are the most expensive.

Can You Guess ‘80s Songs From Their Opening Lyrics? Quiz

No doubt about it, the 1980's were an incredible decade for music. How well do you remember these hits? Challenge your friends and get into the groove!

10 TV Shows That Pushed the Limits of Censorship

Some shows have pushed boundaries as long as there's been TV. See 10 TV shows that pushed the limits of censorship and caused the FCC the most stress.

10 Fashion Icons for Real Women

These fashion icons for real women are inspiring and create fashions that stand the test of time. See 10 fashion icons for real women to learn more.

Can You Guess Which Artist Painted These Historic Paintings?

The following are 50 of the world's most well-known paintings by the best artists in history. Are you able to name the artist from just an image of the famous painting? Take this quiz and find out!

How Well Do You Know European Paintings?

PERFECTION! How well do you know the greatest works of the European master painters? Tilt your beret at a jaunty angle, take up your palette and click!

How the Grammys Work

At the Grammy Awards, the industry recognizes the people who create music. HowStuffWorks looks at how the winners are chosen, plus some controversies.

¿Puedes adivinar qué pintor realizó estas pinturas históricas?

Las siguientes son las 50 pinturas más conocidas realizadas por los mejores artistas en la historia. ¿Puedes nombrar al artista a partir de una imagen de su pintura famosa? ¡Participa en este juego y averígualo!

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