Search Results | luxembourgers

Your search for "luxembourgers" returned 60 results

Can You Name the European Country From Three Clues?

We give you just three hints so you can name the right European country. Hint number four is: the countries are all on the European continent. Now, see if that info helps much when you take this super-challenging, super-fun quiz!

Is Holland the Same as the Netherlands?

People use the words Holland and the Netherlands interchangeably. But are the two places technically the same? HowStuffWorks breaks it down.

98% of People Can't Match All of These Flags With Their Countries! Can You?

Flags have been used for centuries as symbols which bind people of a particular region together. If you're a globetrotter, or just simply love leafing through the pages in your atlas, do you think you can identify each of these flags? Take our quiz and find out!

13 Examples of Good and Bad Manners Around the World

What may elicit a thumbs up from Miss Manners in the U.S. may not elsewhere in the world. Learn 13 examples of good and bad manners around the world.

What Are the Happiest Countries in the World?

How do you measure the happiness of a country? Is it through the benefits afforded to citizens, the weather or the number of opportunities available? This is a question the World Happiness Report has tackled since 2012 to report on the happiest countries in the world.

Can You Match These European Castles to Their Country?

See how the other half lives (lived?) in this captivating castle quiz! With nods to Disney, Dracula and demons, these structures are otherworldly. Can you place where they belong in Europe? Raise the drawbridge, and get ready for battle!

Can You Guess Each of These European Countries Using Only Emojis?

The countries of Europe are among the oldest and most diverse in the world. If you’re 🤓 when it comes to history and culture, do you think you can decode the emojis for each of these European countries? Take the quiz and find out!

How the European Union Works

What does the EU do and why would countries want to leave — or join — it? HowStuffWorks looks at the role of the European Union.

Constellations of Internet Satellites Will Beam Broadband Everywhere

Lots and lots of satellites could vastly expand the world's access to broadband coverage. Learn more at HowStuffWorks.

How Much Do You Know About NATO?

You hear about it all the time on the news, but do you know what the heck NATO really is? Yeah, no one else does either. Until NOW. Take this quiz, and become the brainiac you always told people you were.

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