Search Results | low carbon communities

Your search for "low carbon communities" returned 141 results

How Space Suits Work

We are seeing a lot more space suits now that the international space station is occupied. Learn how space suits work and why they cost $12 million each!

Which Element Resonates With Your Soul?

Calling all sons and daughters of Mother Nature out there! Do you feel you are like one of the elements essential on earth? Which of these elements resonate with your being? Care to know the inner you? Then take this personality quiz to find out!

10 Amazing Green Cities

Sure, the Emerald City looked green, but you won't need green-tinted glasses to see how environmentally friendly the cities on this list are. What makes a city amazingly green?

Sweden Is Great at Turning Trash to Energy

Sweden puts less than 1 percent of its household trash into landfills, in part because it burns nearly half to generate heat and electricity.

How Champ Cars Work

Champ Cars have carbon fiber bodies, 900-horsepower engines and top speeds of over 230 mph! With the help of the Motorola PacWest Racing Team and CART, go behind the scenes to learn about the car, the team and the driver!

What Is Graphene? The Mind-boggling Wonder Material

This is one 'supermaterial' that might actually live up to its hype. So what is graphene really, and why is it so versatile?

Are Plastic-eating Enzymes Our Planet's Only Hope?

Two bacterial enzymes degrade PET plastics and could potentially be a solution to Earth's massive waste problem. HowStuffWorks looks at the science.

Closing Your Bedroom Door at Night Could Save Your Life

The 'Close Before You Doze' campaign is on a mission to get you to sleep with your bedroom doors closed. Why? Fire safety.

How Eco-anxiety Works

Eco-anxiety is a chronic concern over environmental issues. Learn about eco-anxiety a treatments for eco-anxiety.

Atkins Diet: What You Need to Know

The Atkins diet focuses on limiting the amount of carbohydrates a person consumes in a day. Learn about the Atkins diet and Atkins diet friendly foods.

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