Search Results | loop route

Your search for "loop route" returned 55 results

What's the Secret Behind the Numbers on the Interstate Signs?

Why is one road named I-5 while another is I-480? We take a closer look at the digits on those red, white and blue shield-shaped signs.

How Baggage Handling Works

Inside an airport, luggage moves through an amazing and intricate system. The baggage handling system plays a crucial role in keeping travelers happy. Learn about these high-speed carts and conveyers.

How LAN Switches Work

We wouldn't get very far without LAN switches -- bedlam would break loose at each network junction. Learn how LAN switches work.

Bird-Watching Activities for Kids

These bird-watching activities are perfect for children who want to learn more about birds. Learn more about these inventive bird-watching activities.

How the Hyperloop Works

Ready for a fifth mode of transportation? Elon Musk is. He's sketched out a proposal for a nearly supersonic transportation system that could shoot you from San Francisco to Los Angeles faster than you can watch an episode of "Game of Thrones."

Going Nowhere Fast? Smart Traffic Lights Can Help Ease Gridlock

Smart traffic lights monitor traffic and continuously adjust their timing to improve flow, and can even help disabled or elderly pedestrians navigate crosswalks. Could they be a solution to the problems of traffic stress and road rage?

10 Everyday Things You're Probably Doing the Hard Way

Are you doing things the hard way? Explore 10 Everyday Things You're Probably Doing the Hard Way to discover how to make your life a little easier.

Do you need a brake puller?

Do you need a brake puller? Visit HowStuffWorks to find out if you need a brake puller.

5 of the World's Most Grueling Ultramarathons

Running through extreme heat, elevation, snow or rough terrain in an ultramarathon is a challenge designed to defeat all but the most determined.

How UPS Works

What does it take UPS to get a package from one door to another? Learn about smart labels and see what happens to your package before it gets to the sort.

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