Search Results | local extinction

Your search for "local extinction" returned 140 results

Chances Are You'll Never See a Pine Marten in the Wild

Pine martens are elusive and love to stay hidden in deep forests, but with strong claws, they are great climbers and hunters.

The Highly Venomous Timber Rattlesnake Is an American Icon

If you're looking for the venomous timber rattler, the U.S. is the place to be, as these bad boys are found in at least 27 states.

Are zoos good or bad for animals?

Are zoos good or bad? You might have asked this while visiting your local wildlife hangout. Learn why zoos are good or bad, depending on perspective.

Could scientists resurrect the dodo bird?

The dodo bird could be brought back from extinction thanks to the recent discovery of an intact dodo skeleton. Read about the recent dodo bird discovery.

Boa Constrictor Diets, Habitats and Mating Strategies

The boa constrictor is a large, nonvenomous snake known for squeezing the life from its prey. They are not considered to be at a high risk of extinction.

Amur Leopard: The Rarest Big Cat in the World

The Amur leopard might be the rarest big cat in the world. Found in just a small swath of land where Russia, China and North Korea meet, the Amur leopard is famously secretive, which is how it stalks its prey and protects itself from poachers.

5 Vanishing Frogs

The Lehmann's poison frog is also one of the most endangered frogs in the world. Learn about the Lehmann's poison frog at HowStuffWorks.

What Is Deforestation?

Deforestation, or the removal of forests, contributes to global warming. Learn how deforestation harms our plants and animals -- even to extinction.

The Saola Is Southeast Asia's 'Unicorn'

The saola, also known as the Asian unicorn, is one of the rarest animals in the world. Not only is it critically endangered, but the saola is famously secretive; very little is known about it. There are no saola in captivity and the last categorically documented saola sighting was in 2013.

Can You Identify All of These Wonders of the Natural World?

We could “sea” you in just about any of these breathtaking locales, but should you add them to your bucket list? You’’ll be operating at “peak” performance if you can identify these far-flung natural wonders. Give it your best shot!

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