Search Results | little rocky mountains

Your search for "little rocky mountains" returned 164 results

How Many Little Brown Birds Can You Identify?

Many people don't know what the difference is between a sparrow and a junco. Take this quick quiz to see if you can tell these little brown birds apart!

5 of Earth's Highest Deserts

Not all deserts have sand and they're certainly not all hot. They're just extremely dry and have little vegetation. That means deserts are located all over the planet, including at super-high elevations.

American Geography Quiz

Millions of years ago, America was home to more dinosaurs than any other country. Today, the country is home to more tornadoes than any other country. The land is home to deserts, rain forests, basins, plateaus, mountains and more. Let's see how much you know about American geography.

The Rise and Fall of the Oregon Trail

Hundreds of thousands of emigrants traveled the 2,170-mile Oregon Trail. HowStuffWorks looks at what they endured in their search of a better life.

Earth's Evolution: The Paleogeography Quiz

Paleogeography is the study of the geography of paleos, right? Perhaps you could use a little brushing up on your paleogeography knowledge — or a starter course. Either way, this quiz will have you combining your paleo and geo knowledge in no time.

The Ultimate Bigfoot, Sasquatch or Yeti Quiz

What's that tall, dark and furry figure striding ominously through the woods? Is it a bear? A moose? Or something more mysterious? Maybe now is the time to test your Bigfoot/Yeti cred with our 'squatchy' little quiz.

The Ili Pika May Be the Most Adorable Endangered Species

Imagine a creature that combines the cuteness of a teddy bear with the charm of a rabbit, all wrapped up in the size of a terrier. Meet the Ili pika (Ochotona iliensis), a rare animal that has made its home in the Tian Shan mountains of northwestern China.

Can You Pass This Difficult North American Geography Quiz?

North America is a vast land filled with many incredible places and things. From the tallest mountains to the coolest cities, there's so much to know. Take the quiz to prove that you know your stuff!

Terrestrial Planets Are the Rocky Planets of the Solar System

Terrestrial planets include the four closest to our sun, including Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. What else makes these celestial bodies terrestrial planets?

'The Alcatraz of the Rockies': Why No One Ever Escapes From ADX Florence

ADX Florence is the only federal "supermax" prison in the U.S. and home to a rogue's gallery of notorious criminals. What's it like to serve time there

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