Search Results | list of u.s. state firearms

Your search for "list of u.s. state firearms" returned 46 results

Can You Answer All of These Questions About Law Enforcement?

From peacekeeping and problem solving to maintaining law and order, the duties of law enforcement officials are as varied as they are tough. Whether you've served as a police officer or have simply watched a lot of "Cops," we challenge you to answer these questions about law enforcement!

Do Countries With Stricter Gun Laws Really Have Fewer Homicides?

Ask a card-carrying member of the NRA and you'll get one answer. Ask a member of Everytown for Gun Safety and you'll get another. We look at the research that underlies this controversial topic.

H.R. 8 Mandates Gun Background Checks. Why Is It Stuck in the Senate?

H.R. 8, which passed the House last year, would eliminate private gun sale loopholes and require nearly universal background checks. But it faces difficult odds of passage in the Senate.

10 Things You Should Never Mix With Alcohol

Juice and soda mix well with alcohol, but a few things don't mix so well. Some may just produce embarrassing moments. Others could cost you your life.

10 Unusual Investments

Unusual investments can often net a financial windfall. Read our list of the top 10 unusual investments that are popular today at HowStuffWorks.

How the FBI Works

The FBI is explained in this article. Learn about the FBI.

The Ultimate Tool Quiz

Is your third eye open? Are you read to put yourself in a state of vulnerable open-mindedness? Good, because it's time to test your Tool knowledge and find out whether or not you're OGT from '92.

Which Jobs Have the Highest Suicide Rates?

HowStuffWorks looks at the job categories with the highest suicide rates, according to the CDC.

Thought Experiment: What Would a World Without Guns Be Like?

Would populations boom and violence cease? Or would humans and human nature essentially remain the same?

How Shotguns Work

To do its job, a projectile must both make contact with the target and hit the target in a critical spot. If a rifle is like using a felt-tip pen, a shotgun is like using a can of spray paint.

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