Search Results | list of the heaviest people

Your search for "list of the heaviest people" returned 48 results

How well do you know your birds of prey?

Do you know your birds of prey? Birds of prey also referred to as raptors, can easily be identified by their hooked bills and sharp talons. They are also known for their keen eyesight. This group of birds includes various species of hawks, eagles, owls and even gulls. Take our quiz to find out if you know as much as you think you do about birds of prey!

10 Biggest Sharks in the World

Sharks: They are the stuff of legend and the stuff of nightmares. Here are the 10 biggest sharks in the world.

How Much Do You Know About Latin America?

Latin America is a patchwork of different cultures, beliefs, languages and backgrounds. Some of the facts about Latin America will be clear, while others will astound you. Let's separate the ignorant from the know-it-alls.

Top 10 Structurally Amazing Bridges

Bridges move cars, trains, bikes and people, among other things. These 10 may even move your soul with their engineering ingenuity and beauty. So which 10 make the cut?

9 Biggest Birds in the World

They are all huge, but does it surprise you that none of the nine biggest birds can fly?

Meet Florence Kelley: Labor Reformer, Abolitionist and Co-founder of the NAACP

Grateful that U.S. law ensures decent working conditions and children go to school instead of working in mines? Thank Florence Kelley and her father.

How Broadcast Fax Works

Broadcast fax allows users to send faxes simultaneously to many recipients. Find out how broadcast fax programs work.

What’s Your Paris IQ?

Grab your beret and head off with us to one of the world's most intriguing cities...and mais oui, there's much more to see in Paris than just the Eiffel Tower! Acing this quiz means you can pass for a local in this land of revolution and red wine.

7 of the Loudest Animals on Earth

Your dog barking at the mailman? Loud. But he's got nothing on these seven. They're some of the loudest animals on the planet, and they're probably not the ones you'd expect.

12 of the Biggest Dog Breeds in the World

Dogs come in all shapes and sizes. And a few breeds stand out for being, well, exceptionally huge. But what is the biggest dog breed in the world?

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