Search Results | list of canadian protected areas

Your search for "list of canadian protected areas" returned 46 results

Are Polar Bears Endangered?

Polar bears and global warming are getting attention from conservationists and the general public. See why polar bears are threatened by global warming.

10 Widely Believed U.S. Government Conspiracy Theories

There are a few U.S. government conspiracy theories that many people believe. See this list of 10 theories to decide for yourself.

10 Biggest Snowstorms of All Time

Heavy snowfall is just one mark of a bad snowstorm. But the biggest snowstorms of all time also brought strong winds and in some cases, major power outages.

Can You Name All These Carnivores From an Image?

You know how sometimes you just crave a big, juicy burger? Animals are like that, too, only they want something a little fresher than a burger. Think you can name all these carnivores? Sharpen your teeth and take a bite out of this quiz!

Coyote vs. Wolf: Differences in Size, Habitat and Behavior

Learn how to identify coyote vs. wolf tracks, where you can expect to find the species and how their behaviors differ.

Improving Memory: Lifestyle Changes

Basic lifestyle changes, such as managing stress, can prevent memory loss. Learn about memory-protecting lifestyle changes at

All About the Humane Society Fund

The Humane Society does more than help shelters care for animals. Learn more about Humane Society programs and how the Humane Society helps animals.

Can You Guess the Southern City From a Visual Clue?

The American South is rich in history and full of cities ... maybe more so than you realize. We have 40 pictures and a little background info for each; can you identify the cities in question? Scroll down and find out!

Can You Identify All of These Coniferous Trees?

Conifers conjure up winter scenes with snow and the winter holiday season. But did you know there are some coniferous trees that can't handle the snow? There are even some that thrive in arid regions! If you think know your cones, then take this quiz!

Are These Country Facts True or False?

Countries are full of citizens, and citizens are full of pride, and pride is full of a lot of legend and myth. There is no shortage of information about any country on Earth, but separating the fact from the fiction is another story. Can you guess whether these country facts are true or false?

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