Search Results | liberation day

Your search for "liberation day" returned 415 results

Memorial Day in the U.S. Means Way More Than Barbecue

Today Americans mostly celebrate it as the start of summer. But the annual May holiday has a significant history that's worthy of acknowledgment.

No Pants Day

No Pants Day is a little-known holiday that celebrates not taking oneself seriously. Learn how to celebrate No Pants Day and explore No Pants Day events.

The D-Day Invasion: January 1944-July 1944

This World War II timeline highlights key events from January 1944 through July 1944. Follow the events of World War II, including the D-Day invasion.

Why Do We Care About the First 100 Days?

A new U.S. president is under pressure to produce in those first 100 days in office. Why is that and does it really matter?

How Much Do You Know About Canadian Wartime: The Remembrance Day Quiz

With Remembrance Day coming up, we want to see how much you know about Canada's military past (and present). Whether the questions are about the First World War or the Korean War, it's time to show off your wartime knowledge of the last century!

Pride Month in the U.S. Celebrates LGBTQ+ Progress and Equality

June is Pride Month, when the LGBTQ community comes together to celebrate their struggles and to raise awareness of issues they still face.

How Libertarianism Works

Do you know How Libertarianism Works? Keep reading to learn more about politics and discover How Libertarianism Works.

Top 5 Feminist Movements

Feminist movements aren't all about bra-burning; they're serious efforts to change the way we think about gender equality. Read about five feminist movements.

Against Crazy Odds, Simon Bolivar Liberated Six Countries in South America

BolĂ­var was the catalyst and cult of personality behind the 19th-century liberation movement that won independence for six Latin American nations.

Thanksgiving for Two: Your Perfect Menu

But when there's just two of you on Turkey Day, you have to plan things a little differently. Create a Thanksgiving for Two with this article.

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