Search Results | landfill

Your search for "landfill" returned 262 results

How Landfills Work

What happens to all of that trash you put on the curb every week? It doesn't just disappear into a parallel universe. Much of it probably goes to the local landfill, and how it gets handled there is a very involved system.

What if the U.S. put all its trash in one giant landfill?

One giant landfill for all the trash in the entire United States would have to be massive. Learn about using one giant landfill for the United States.

Are some things we recycle better off in landfills?

Are things we recycle better off in landfills, or are our current recycling methods efficient enough? Find out if things we recycle are better off in landfills.

What Is Compost? How to Start Composting at Home

Americans generate more than 200 million tons of trash each year. Want to put some of it to work? Try composting. It creates a natural fertilizer and can save valuable space in that landfill.

Is what we're recycling actually getting recycled?

The waste collectors threw your recyclables into one big bin on their truck. How do you know your recyclables are being recycled? And what happens to them next?

Keep Your Junk out of the Pacific Ocean Trash Vortex

The Pacific Ocean trash vortex is explained in this article. Learn about the Pacific Ocean trash vortex.

Great Pacific Garbage Patch: The World's Biggest Landfill in the Pacific Ocean

The Great Pacific Garbage Patch, the world's largest landfill, is located in the middle of the Pacific. Read about the Great Pacific Garbage Patch.

How Biodegradation Additives Work

Plastic's handy, hardy stuff, but we don't want to leave piles of old forks and water bottles for future generations to trip over. Can special additives that break down plastics faster save the day?

How can recycling impact a community?

Lots of people consider recycling to be kind of a no-brainer, something we all should do. It's good for the environment, it re-uses materials rather than creates new ones, it reduces landfills — the list goes on and on.

How Recycling Works

Recycling involves taking something useful and turning it into something new instead of throwing it away. Learn about recycling and the many types of recycling.

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