Search Results | land ownership

Your search for "land ownership" returned 169 results

We'll Give You a Tool, You Tell Us What Job It's Associated With

You can often tell what job a person does just by looking at the tools they use. If you are up to speed with the tools of the various professions, can you match the three tools we’ll show you to the worker who uses them? Get started and find out!

Are Johnny Appleseed's trees alive today?

Folk hero Johnny Appleseed planted apple trees across the U.S. in the mid-1800s. Find out if any of Appleseed's trees are still alive at HowStuffWorks.

Could Planting 1 Trillion Trees Counteract Climate Change?

Many scientists say that the response to climate change will require planting new trees. A whole lot of them.

How Squatting Works

Squatting is setting up camp on land or moving into an unused building. Learn what laws protect squatters and how squatting affects culture.

How Well Do You Know Irish History?

The history of the Irish involves myth, legend and centuries of persistent fighting for ethnic and religious freedom. How much do you know about the people and events that defined Ireland? Test your luck (and your knowledge) with this quiz!

Can someone own the moon?

Can someone own the moon? Learn all about real estate on the moon what it takes to get your own lunar property.

What's the Difference Between Socialism and Communism?

They're often mentioned in the same breath, but not every socialist is a communist and not every communist or socialist country operates in the same way.

How Removing Public Monuments Works

Controversy surrounds the removal of public monuments honoring the U.S. Confederacy. But who or what determines which monuments go up or come down?

American Dream Quiz

Are you a dreamer of the American dream? Test your knowledge of our nation's characteristic aspirations with this quiz.

How Eminent Domain Works

Eminent domain allows the government to take your property without your consent and pay you fair value. Learn more about eminent domain and how it works.

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