Search Results | kansas (band)

Your search for "kansas (band)" returned 49 results

Can you match the song to the band?

Bands have been a huge part of the music scene and pop culture for decades. How well do you know your famous bands? Test your knowledge with this HowStuffWorks quiz!

10 Bands Named After Places

Is your favorite band named after a place? See our list of 10 bands named after places and see if you can guess what bands made the list.

Can You Match the Classic Rock Band to Their Hit?

Are you a true classic rock fan? Find out if your classic hits knowledge has you on the Stairway to Heaven with this rocking and rolling rock hits quiz!

From Yes to Pink Floyd: The Progressive Rock Quiz

Take psychedelic rock, add a fantastic theme and wild production, and throw in a pinch of symphony, and you've got yourself a progressive rock song! Take our quiz to see how much you know about the most iconic artists and music in the genre.

Do You Know Your '70s Rock Hits From Your '80s Smashes?

The 1970s and 1980s are known as golden eras of rock 'n' roll, with many of the biggest groups of all time rocking out with hit after hit. Test if you know your '70s from your '80s classics with this HowStuffWorks quiz!

Punky Brewster Quiz

It was every kid's favorite show in the '80s, featuring a spunky little girl, a cute little puppy and a grouchy, but lovable, old man. How much do you remember about "Punky Brewster?"

Go Long!: The Super Bowl Quiz

Super Bowl day is the biggest holiday of the year, if you measure your holidays in the amount of beer and nachos consumed. Throw a sharp spiral to the right answer, and have fun testing your knowledge of America's favorite Sunday.

How Well Do You Know the FFA?

Do you know the National Future Farmers of America as well as you think you do? If you can pass this quiz, you can consider yourself an expert! There's no farming experience necessary, but it can't hurt your score.

How Punk Works

HowStuffWorks explores the story behind how punk music and cultural movement spanned the globe, becoming way more than just sound and a mohawk.

How Well Do You Know '70s Pop Culture?

After the cataclysmic ‘60s, pop culture returned to some semblance of normalcy in America. Music, movies, and more became less progressive and more escapist — what do you know about the pop culture of the Seventies?

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