Search Results | italian language

Your search for "italian language" returned 208 results

Can You Beat the Average Person on This General Knowledge Quiz?

There is a lot out there to know, but how much of it do you have a handle on? Put your general knowledge to the test with this HowStuffWorks quiz!

The Surprising (and Backward) Evolution of Swear Words

Swear words don’t always go from taboo to acceptable. Sometimes it goes the other way. Learn why at HowStuff Works Now.

Why 'Wednesday' Isn't Pronounced the Way It's Spelled

The origin of Wednesday is tied into ancient gods, and a vanishing letter isn't uncommon. Learn more in this HowStuffWorks article.

How Universal Translators Will Work

A wearable device that will translate English into a dozen languages will be introduced later this year. See how it will work!

How Accents Work

How do accents develop and why is it so hard to lose one? Learn all about accents from HowStuffWorks.

Do college admissions officers value students who speak more than one language?

Multilingual students and college admissions are explained in this article from HowStuffWorks. Learn about multilingual students.

Quiz: Should You Capitalize This?

Some words are extra important. Enter capitalization, the perfect way to show just why such words are special. How adept are you at knowing what to capitalize? Take this quiz and find out!

How Well Do You Know Hand Gestures From Around the World?

Some researchers say that body language accounts for more than 50% of human communication. The thing is, body language is anything but universal. Do you know what these gestures from around the world mean?

Why We Use the Suffix '-Gate' for Scandals (And Can We Please Stop?)

Learn why the suffix "gate" implies a scandal, political or otherwise, in this HowStuffWorks article.

New Jersey Lingo Quiz

Are you a shoobie, a benny or a true New Jersey lover? Do you know how to speak like you're a part of the Northeast? Discover and test what you know about NJ's slang and see how you'd fit in on the Shore!

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