Search Results | internal reconstruction

Your search for "internal reconstruction" returned 73 results

What is soft-story seismic retrofitting?

A soft-story building has a first floor that's more flexible than the ones above -- think apartments over a department store that's mostly open space. How does soft-story retrofitting keep such buildings from collapsing in a quake?

Hiking el Caminito del Rey, Once the World's Most Dangerous Trail

HowStuffWorks hikes El Caminito del Rey, a very dangerous hiking path in Spain that was closed to the public for 15 years after several deaths.

Does democracy work?

Democracy is where citizen gets an equal vote to contribute to decision making. Learn about democracy and find out if democracy works.

How Bad Is America's Infrastructure, Really?

The Senate just crossed a hurdle to get a bipartisan infrastructure bill signed. It could pay for new roads, bridges and other installations that a country needs to function. But why is infrastructure so notoriously hard to fund in America anyway?

Chernobyl's Elephant's Foot Is a Toxic Mass of Corium

The lava-like material that formed after the Chernobyl nuclear disaster is a deadly example of corium, a hazardous material created only after core meltdowns. Five minutes next to it can kill a human.

5 Reasons Commercial Airplanes Crash

Although it doesn't happen often, large passenger jets crash for many reasons, from mechanical failure to pilot error.

What Fueled the Famous Feud Between the Hatfields and McCoys?

The Hatfield and McCoy family names are recognized for one thing: fighting for decades. But what were they so angry about and why so many years of feuding?

Did the Marshall Plan Really Save Europe After World War II?

The Marshall Plan was the secretary of state's plan to revive Europe financially after World War II. Learn how the Marshall Plan helped Europe's economy.

1940s and 1950s Kaiser-Frazer Concept Cars

Many 1940s and 1950s Kaiser-Frazer concept cars were never built due to infighting. Check out 1940s and 1950s Kaiser-Frazer concept cars and see pictures.

How Cubism Works

Cubism is an artistic movement that changed art forever. Visit HowStuffWorks to learn all about cubism.

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