Search Results | indigenous australians

Your search for "indigenous australians" returned 47 results

Kava Is Natural and Legal, But Is It Safe?

You may have heard of kava, or kava kava, and its calming effects, but how much do you know about its history and the risks associated with taking it?

Top 10 Countries With the Highest Life Expectancy

Some countries have a higher life expectancy because of economic and social reasons. Read our list of the countries with the highest life expectancy.

Can You Name These Countries From Their Outlines?

It's difficult to tell which country is which using an unlabeled map, and ever more so when all you have to work with is the country's outline. Are you one of the 5% who can get it done?

Which English Speaking Country Should You Live In?

English is, ironically, the Lingua Franca, the tongue the world uses as a common language. Perhaps the cause of this is the number of powerful nations that speak English. Which one should you call home?

How much do you know about the Age of Exploration?

Do you remember what happened in 1492, when Columbus crossed the sea in the Nina, and the Pinta, and the mighty Santa Maria? Your history teacher sure hopes so. Of course, the indigenous people who were already living in the "New World" didn't think their lands were being newly "discovered" by the Europeans. Nevertheless, test your knowledge with this quiz!

What's All the Buzz About Manuka Honey?

HowStuffWorks explores the world of expensive manuka honey to find out how it's different from other honeys.

New Oxford Dictionary Will Document African American English Lexicon

Henry Louis Gates Jr. will serve as editor-in-chief of the new Oxford Dictionary of African American English, which is slated to be published in spring 2025.

The Ultimate Flower Identification Quiz

Fancy yourself a flower lover? Well, there's a quiz on the internet (this one) that'll test your knowledge and ability to identify some of the most popular flowers in the world. If you're up to the challenge, let's get started.

Can Different Bird Species 'Talk' with Each Other?

Can a pigeon's noises mean anything to a crow? HowStuffWorks explores the world of aviation communication.

How Numerology Works

Numerology says everything in the world is dependent upon the mystical properties of numbers. But critics aren't so sure.

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