Search Results | ice curtain

Your search for "ice curtain" returned 52 results

How Blast-resistant Clothing Works

Your most rugged pair of blue jeans can't hold a candle to the cutting-edge blast-resistant clothing and technology. Sure, these fabrics are tough, but can they diffuse bomb blasts?

Are You a Phan of Phantom of the Opera?

This award-winning musical broke all kinds of records. Die hard phans of Phantom of the Opera know all the facts. Are you one of them? In this quiz, we'll test your knowledge of all thing POTO. Put on your white mask.

Play a Game of Would You Rather and We'll Guess If You're An Oracle

Ever have that feeling like you just know something is going to happen ... and then it does? You may have a little oracle in you. Play a game of "Would You Rather," and we'll find out for sure!

Can You Identify These Vintage Household Items?

Plug in your icebox and chill out for this one! The household products you know and love today look quite different than their vintage counterparts. In fact, some didn't even exist. But that's the fun of it, trying to identify all of these vintage household items. Take this quiz to see if you identify them!

Two Truths and a Lie: Southern Traditions Edition

Are Southerners really afraid to rock an empty rocking chair or clean their homes on New Year's Day? Prove that you know Southern traditions inside and out — take this quiz!

The Ultimate General Sports Quiz

Alright, athletes, it's time to see how well your general sports knowledge stacks up against the competition. Can you get a high score, or will you crumple beneath the pressure?

5 First Date Ideas

First date ideas need to be creative if you want to make a good impression. Visit HowStuffWorks to learn about five first date ideas.

5 Home Remedies for Seasonal Affective Disorder

There are many home remedies for seasonal affective disorder that can help relieve the anxiety and depression. Learn about home remedies for SAD.

Bathroom Decorating Ideas

Use these bathroom decorating ideas to design the perfect bathroom for your home. Get advice on minimalist, traditional and transitional styles.

How Russian Traditions Work

Many Russian traditions first began hundreds of years ago. Read about Russian traditions at HowStuffWorks.

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