Search Results | hybrid (biology)

Your search for "hybrid (biology)" returned 25 results

Is the Bondo Ape a Cryptid or a Specially Adapted Chimpanzee?

Nestled deep within the wilderness of the Congo Basin, the Bondo ape stands at the crossroads of legend and scientific reality. Once seen only in fleeting glimpses, this creature has become the focal point of intense curiosity and rigorous investigation.

Can You Pass This Moon Phases Quiz?

We humans have always had a profound connection to the moon, but do we really know it? Test your knowledge of the various phases our little neighbor goes through, how those phases may actually impact us, all while you enjoy other fun lunar facts along the way!

Pouvez-vous identifier ces poissons d’eau douce à partir d’une image?

Un peu moins de la moitié des 32 000 espèces de poissons de notre planète vivent des lacs, rivières ou sources d’eau fraiche. Combien pouvez-vous en identifier?

How Long Do Orchid Blooms Last? Tips for Growing Orchids

Orchids might be the sexiest flower in the greenhouse. Its very name comes from the Greek word for "testicle!" And its reproduction methods are pretty exotic too.

How HeLa Cells Work

While HeLa cells have been star players in medical research for decades, the woman behind them remained in the shadows for years. Discover the amazing story of Henrietta Lacks and her immortal cells in this article.

How Aliens Work

Alien life forms would probably differ from those on Earth but still adhere to certain principles. Learn about astrobiology and the search for alien life forms.

How Animal Imprinting Works

Animal imprinting concerns how some species of animals learn during a short period immediately after birth. Learn more about animal imprinting.

How Plant-microbial Fuel Cells Work

Do you know How Plant-microbial Fuel Cells Work? Keep reading to learn how to generate power using plants and How Plant-microbial Fuel Cells Work.

10 Hispanic Scientists You Should Know

He built President Eisenhower an indoor golf-training machine, analyzed the Zapruder film and searched for an Egyptian pyramid's treasure chamber using cosmic rays. Aren't you dying to meet this wide-ranging scientist?

How Becoming a Doctor Works

HowStuffWorks finds out all the details involved in becoming a medical doctor.

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