Search Results | hoover dam

Your search for "hoover dam" returned 35 results

10 Longest Rivers in the U.S.: From the Missouri to the Brazos

We bet you're looking up the longest river in the U.S. to settle a bet: Is it the Missouri River or the Mississippi River? It depends how you measure.

Take a Roadtrip Through the States and Identify These Landmarks

We're going on a road trip, and we're giving you a front seat to many of the United States' most noteworthy landmarks! See if you identify bridges, statues and moments that have made their mark on American life. Oh, say can you see, the right answer!

Do you know which of these is bigger?

We live in a world filled with things of all sizes. Some things are super-sized -- other things are simply teeny. Can you pick which of the following is bigger?

Can You Pass This High School General Science Quiz?

Although not always a favorite subject, most people take at least one general science class in high school. Take this quiz to find out how much you remember.

10 Innovations in Hydropower

People all over the world are working on turning this very ancient power source into an even more important modern one. And that means a lot more than dams.

How the Venice Tide Barrier Project Works

It's a recipe for disaster: Venice is sinking, and the waters around it are rising. Can the controversial MOSE project save Italy's famous city with a series of aqua gates?

How Well Do You Know the US States?

There are 50 American states, and despite their political union, each has its own culture, history and character. Heck, they even have different names for carbonated beverages! Do you want a soda, a soft drink, pop or coke? See how well you know this diverse country!

Could hackers devastate the U.S. economy?

Hackers are a constant threat to economic and physical interests within the U.S. Find out how the U.S. is working to prevent a cyber attack by hackers.

American Culture: Symbols, Social Dynamics, Holidays and More

People often describe America as a "melting pot" since the American population is a blend of so many different groups, each one with its own histories, traditions and customs. This makes the United States one of the most culturally diverse countries in the world, with this diversity reflected in every facet of American culture.

How did Nikola Tesla change the way we use energy?

Who made it possible to light up your home at night? Thomas Edison, right? Yes, but without the work of Nikola Tesla, we would be living in a different world.

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