Search Results | history of new jersey

Your search for "history of new jersey" returned 367 results

What Is the Oldest City in America? A Look at the Top 11

Embarking on a journey through the United States' historical landscape to learn about the oldest city in America uncovers a rich mosaic of stories that trace back to a time before even the British arrived and settled on the land.

10 Iconic Fashion Pieces Named for People or Places

From the bikini to the Hermès Birkin bag, fashion favorites are often named for the people and places that inspired them. HowStuffWorks looks at 10.

Kannst du dieses allgemeine Geografie-Quiz über die USA knacken?

Hältst du dich für einen echten Geografie-Experten? Die Vereinigten Staaten sind eines der einzigartigsten und vielseitigsten Länder der Welt und man kann innerhalb der Grenzen der USA nahezu jede Art von Landschaft finden. Bist du bereit herauszufinden, wie gründlich dein Wissen ist?

How Well Do You Know Bruce Springsteen?

They call him "The Boss." A musical icon, a working class poet and rock 'n' roll's conscience, Bruce Springsteen has captivated audiences for over five decades. How well do you know New Jersey's favorite son?

15 Famous Rhodes Scholars

Each year about 103 students earn a Rhodes scholarship to study at the University of Oxford. Learn about some of the most famous Rhodes scholars, including Bill Clinton, transportation secretary Pete Buttigieg and journalist Ronan Farrow.

How a 'War of the Worlds' Radio Broadcast Panicked America

The 'War of the Worlds' radio broadcast on Oct. 30, 1938 is one of the most famous in history, mainly because Americans believed aliens were invading.

Can You Guess All 50 States From an Image Of Their Outline?

Did you get an A in your geography class? Do you know the state mottos and famous landmarks that make each state unique? Prove it by challenging yourself with this quiz!

Uncovering Facts and Insights into Hurricane Sandy - 10 Years On

Explore the impact of Hurricane Sandy. Understand its destruction and aftermath. Learn about the history of Hurricane Sandy today.

Do You Recognize All These Cryptids From A Description?

Calling all cryptozoologists! You know what a Yeti is, but can you identify a yeren? You're familiar with Bigfoot, but what about the buru? If you want to test your knowledge of legendary cryptids, you've got to take this quiz!

The Ultimate NRA Quiz

The National Rifle Association (NRA) is a non-profit American organization dedicated to promoting and protecting the safe use of firearms. It is the leading defender of the Second Amendment right that entitles Americans to keep and bear arms. Take our quiz to learn more about the history and goals of the NRA.

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