Search Results | history of library and information science

Your search for "history of library and information science" returned 209 results

11 Inventions That Changed the World as We Know It

Inventing a useful product or process is serious business — turn a great idea into a marketable widget, and you could earn millions of dollars. But that doesn't mean your widget has to be straitlaced and conservative.

Who Invented the Toilet? A Brief History of the Flush

Who invented the toilet? While we wish it were so, it wasn't Thomas Crapper. Surprisingly, toilet design hasn't changed much since the first "water closet" patent in the 1500s.

How Maps Work

A map is a type of language, a graphic way of representing information, whether it's to show population density or tell you how to get from Point A to Point B. Here's how they're made.

How the First Lady Works

The first lady is an important, if not formal, office in the United States. Read about first ladies, their history and why first ladies face such scrutiny.

How Locard's Exchange Principle Works

Are you interested in finding out how Locard's exchange principle works? Read this article to find out how Locard's exchange principle works.

6 Startling Revelations From Declassified U.S. Government Documents

Declassified government documents can change our view of history, and also sometimes contain surprising revelations.

What Was in Peter the Great's Cabinet of Curiosities?

Peter the Great was a feared leader but also an intellectual. Learn about Peter the Great and Peter the Great's love of academia and collectibles.

10 Scientists Who Were Their Own Guinea Pigs

Some scientists choose to use their own bodies in their scientific experiments. Learn about 10 self-experimenting scientists.

What Is Anthropology? A Look at How Humans Study Each Other

Anthropologists specialize in, well, us. But studying humankind doesn't mean you have to hole up in a library or laboratory. Take a peek at this article to learn more about the dynamic, enriching field of anthropology.

How Jack the Ripper Worked

Jack the Ripper was a brutal serial killer who haunted the West End of London in 1888. Read about Jack the Ripper and his bloody killing spree.

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