Search Results | historical marker

Your search for "historical marker" returned 52 results

Birthday Astrology

Astrology, the prediction of personality traits and future events, is based on the relationship between the planets. Learn more about astrology.

Are teaching supplies tax deductible?

If you buy teaching supplies, can you deduct them on your taxes? Find out if your teaching supplies are tax-deductible at HowStuffWorks.

How Many Continents Are There? Depends Whom You Ask

It may surprise you to know that experts around the world disagree on how many continents are out there. Here's why.

7 Secret Caves We'd Love to See Inside

There are caves all over the world, but some are in places that are hard to explore — hidden by rocks, ruins or even under ice. We've found seven secret caves you probably never knew existed.

Distance Runners Are More Desirable

Male distance runners may have a reproductive advantage over less sporty lads. Find out about endurance athletes at HowStuffWorks Now.

Who Was America's First Murderer?

America's first murderer was John Billington, who was one of the signers of the Mayflower Compact. Learn about America's first murderer.

Fourth of July Crafts for Kids

Fourth of July crafts include art projects, games, and healthy treats. Learn about these activities for kids.

How Bioarchaeology Works

Archaeologists dig up and study the material remains of human civilizations. Bioarchaeologists do the same thing, except they focus on the remains of, well, us. What's the big deal about old bones and teeth?

5 Cool Ideas for Pumpkin Art

These 5 cool ideas for pumpkin art will set your jack-o-lanterns apart. Learn 5 cool ideas for pumpkin art.

Why a U.S. Yield Curve Inversion Worries Recession Watchers

An inversion of the U.S. Treasury bond yield curve has predicted the last seven U.S. recessions. Is the U.S. in for another one soon?

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