Search Results | himalayas

Your search for "himalayas" returned 81 results

Which Branch of the Military Do You Belong In, Based on Your Myers-Briggs Personality?

Sure, you could enlist in the military using boring criteria like where you might travel, what vehicles you will get to drive, or what kind of physical challenges you like, but why not leave it to a personality test from the 1950s? What could go wrong? Uncle Sam wants you!

Weißt du, wo in der Welt diese berühmten Wahrzeichen zu finden sind?

Türme, Statuen und Mauern, oh je! Vom Eiffelturm bis zur Berliner Mauer gibt es hunderte von berühmten Sehenswürdigkeiten auf der ganzen Welt. Kannst du sie den Orten in diesem Quiz zuordnen? Finden wir es heraus!

The Caracal's Got Super Jumping Game and Satellite Dish Ears

Caracals have really cool ears and can also jump 10 feet in the air from a seated position.

What are ancient grains?

Ancient grains can bring new flavors to your plate while providing healthy, whole grain goodness. Learn more about ancient grains.

Earth's Evolution: The Paleogeography Quiz

Paleogeography is the study of the geography of paleos, right? Perhaps you could use a little brushing up on your paleogeography knowledge — or a starter course. Either way, this quiz will have you combining your paleo and geo knowledge in no time.

What is the world's longest golf course?

What is the world's longest golf course? Visit HowStuffWorks to learn what the world's longest golf course is.

Yakety-yak: 7 Fun Faks About Yaks

While yaks share the bovine family tree with cows, they're a different species altogether. And, unlike cow dung, yak poop doesn't stink.

5 of Earth's Highest Deserts

Not all deserts have sand and they're certainly not all hot. They're just extremely dry and have little vegetation. That means deserts are located all over the planet, including at super-high elevations.

Viaja por el mundo: el quiz de geografía mundial.

¿Te consideras un amo de la geografía? Seguramente eres de los que devora cada mes el National Geographic. Pues aquí te vamos a poner a prueba con 35 preguntas de la geografía mundial que deberás responder para defender tu título.

Can You Guess the Country from 3 Images?

Get your travel boots on and discover what the world has to offer! To start, try guessing the country from the images we give here!

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