Search Results | gyroscope

Your search for "gyroscope" returned 74 results

National Yo-Yo Day

Yo-yos can be traced back at least 2,500 years -- it's a toy with phenomenal staying power. On June 6, yo-yo fans everywhere can "walk the dog" to commemorate the birthday of Donald Duncan, credited with making yo-yos popular in the United States.

How Sidewinder Missiles Work

A Sidewinder missile weaves through the air toward an enemy target as if it has a mind of its own -- and in a way, it does. High-tech "smart weapons" take most of the guess work out of hitting a target. Find out how Sidewinders seek and destroy.

How Boomerangs Work

It's pretty amazing: When you throw a boomerang, it actually does come back to you -- if you throw it properly. Find out why the boomerang returns and how to throw it like a pro.

Who was James Webb?

He was responsible for some of humanity's greatest achievements, and his name now graces a massive NASA project. But how did a law degree lead to being a space pioneer?

How the Ematic Tablet Works

Ematic makes a host of Android tablets that won't break the bank. Learn how the Ematic Tablet works in this article.

How Airplanes Work

More than 100 years ago the Wright brothers made their historic first flight in Kitty Hawk, N.C. Even after all these years, their creation still boggles the mind: How can something so heavy take to the air?

Inside the Nintendo 3DS

Nintendo 3DS pictures take a look at what's inside this gaming device. View the parts, structure and more with Nintendo 3DS pictures at HowStuffWorks.

How Drone Pilots Work

If you're a drone pilot, you're on the verge of having a whole new world of career options available. Learn about drone pilots at HowStuffWorks.

How Computer Mice Work

The mouse might just be the computer user's best friend. Every day of your computing life, you reach out for your mouse whenever you want to move your cursor or activate something. Learn how this human-machine interface translates your movements into digital data.

How Light Propulsion Will Work

Like many new technologies, light propulsion was originally conceived as a tool of war and national defense. But the "Star Wars" missile defense system may eventually send rockets, rather than missile-destroying lasers, into space.

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