Search Results | gyroscope

Your search for "gyroscope" returned 74 results

Where Is the Hubble Telescope and How Does It Work?

The Hubble Space Telescope is one of the most amazing machines in orbit right now. Learn more about the Hubble Space Telescope and how it works.

10 Aviation Innovations We'd Be Stuck on the Ground Without

In the world of flight, it's a fine line between flying high and falling fast. Can you name 10 of the innovations that keep planes and their passengers airborne?

How Monowheels Work

Monowheels are like powered unicycles -- except the rider sits inside the wheel. Read about monowheels at HowStuffWorks.

How Lightsabers Work

Lightsabers are more useful in our everyday lives than you may think. From the blade arc tip to the handgrip, learn all about the Jedi's weapon of choice and its various domestic applications.

Ships: Can You Name the Equipment From an Image?

Ahoy there, mateys! Can you be a good water sport, pun intended, and name the ship equipment in these photos? Let's sail!

Self-navigating Cane Could Better Lives for Visually Impaired

Stanford researchers have developed a new cane, incorporating sensing and wayfinding approaches from robotics and self-driving vehicles. Could this new white cane reshape life for the visually impaired?

Airplanes: Can You Name the Equipment From an Image?

Let's face it -- a giant metal tube hurtling through the sky at hundreds of miles per hour is pretty wild when you stop to think about it, but millions of people fly each year thanks to the wonders of this technology. Think you can name all the parts and equipment involved? Prove it with this quiz.

The Scutoid: How We Discover New Shapes

Spanish researchers recently uncovered a new geometric shape that allows human tissue to curve. But how?

How Do You Throw a Boomerang So That It Comes Back to You?

My girlfriend just gave me a boomerang for my birthday. I'd like to use it, but I don't know how. We're going to the park soon — please help!

How Athos Clothing Works

Athos clothing analyzes your every workout move and ensures your performance is optimal. Learn more about how Athos clothing works.

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